Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Korean War Veteran is Positively Mississippi

From WTVA.com: Korean War Veteran is Positively Mississippi
TUPELO, Miss. (WTVA) - In some ways, it is hard to match the positive example that a person sets when they agree to serve in our country's military.

James Harris of Prentiss County is one of those persons.

Recently, he sat down and shared some of his experiences and the importance of serving in the armed services.

At the age of 83, Mr. Harris is still very active.

At this stage in his life he wants an opportunity to share his story as a Korean War Veteran.

He served approximately ten years combined as both a Marine and in the U.S. Army.

Although that was decades ago, he can recall the life threatening events as if they were yesterday.

And, as he recalls, there were times when he wasn't sure if he was going to make it back home.

While he remained focused on fighting for America and watching out for those around him, his superiors realized the intense cold weather had taken its toll on Marine Harris.

He was ordered back to the United States along with a letter of commendation written by a high ranking officer.

Mr. Harris is a recipient of the Bronze Star and other medals.

Today, he has a message that is more than just about the importance of those who fought in the Korean War.

He says he has been a lot of places, but that there is nowhere he would like to make his home. He says America is number one.

Understandably, it is a little difficult for Mr. Harris to talk about his war experiences and his allegiance to America.

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